Hypervisor Migration

Hypervisor Migration

Empowering Organisations:

As the world ever turns, and landscapes inevitably change; we can now see an increased drive for customers looking to Nutanix. Not only to provide hypervisor services, but for their whole range of technology solutions. Nutanix offers an alternative option for stability and security that customers are looking for right now following the recent Broadcom acquisition of VMware.

Over the years, our delivery teams have guided numerous customers through their transformative journeys with a uniquely catered approach to enable them to meet their specific success criteria. Customers have been able to see real-world benefits such as cost reduction, improved performance, and increased resiliency throughout their technology estate.

Proven Expertise and Guidance:

The delivery teams bring a wealth of expertise to the table, having successfully guided numerous organisations through the intricacies of underlying technology change programmes. Our experienced teams understand the unique challenges associated with transitioning from legacy environments to new target infrastructure and provides strategic guidance tailored to the specific needs of each client.

Customised Solutions for Optimal Resource Utilisation:

Our approach goes beyond a one-size-fits-all strategy. The teams work closely with each client to understand their existing infrastructure, dependencies, pain points, business objectives and growth plans. Leveraging these insights, we work to design customised solutions and workflows to ensure transition is safe, well planned and document.

Reduction(Cost Savings):

It is often these engagements result in significant cost-savings gained through rationalisation of existing services and infrastructure:

  • Reduction in virtual machines
  • Reduction in heavy license utilisation
  • Avoidance or Reduction of hefty ELA renewal costs
  • Reduction in hardware
  • Optimise (Operational Excellence):

Just as we see cost-savings through rationalisation and reduction of excess in existing environments, we can also increase these savings by looking at optimisation and streamlining as customers enter their new world:

  • Optimise energy consumption
  • Optimise and enable automation
  • Optimise technology management
  • Optimise and simplify existing processes

These reductions and optimisations don’t just enhance financial efficiency but provide organisations with the agility and capability to reinvest into strategic initiatives.

Security and Compliance Assurance:

Our commitment to security is unwavering. We recognise the paramount importance of data security and compliance. Through transformation, we enable organisations to implement advanced security measures with a centralised approach. This not only fortifies sensitive data against threats but also ensures compliance with industry regulations, safeguarding our clients against potential risks.

Streamlined Management with Integrated Tools:

The complexity of managing disparate legacy environments is simplified through our approach. Together, with our customers we leverage high-end infrastructure with integrated management tools that provide a unified view of the entire data centre. This streamlined management ensures consistent monitoring, troubleshooting, and updates, reducing administrative overhead and enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Scalability and Future-Proofing:

Our solutions are designed with scalability in mind. We look to empower organisations to future-proof their IT environments with clear visibility across their estate, that enables clarity when it comes to making strategic investment decisions around growth. This visibility is key to ensuring our clients remain agile in a dynamic business landscape.

Green IT Initiatives for Sustainability:

Many organisations are looking at ways to be “greener” and more conscious when it comes to sustainability. Our strategies for data centre consolidation align with green IT initiatives, utilising energy-efficient technologies to reduce overall power consumption. This not only contributes to a smaller carbon footprint but also results in long-term cost savings through lower energy expenses.

Towers Associates stands as a trusted partner, empowering organisations to unlock the benefits of data centre consolidation. With a proven track record, customised solutions, and a commitment to excellence, we have helped numerous clients modernise their IT landscapes, achieve operational efficiency, and position themselves for success in the digital age. As organisations look to transform their data centres, Towers Associates remains a reliable ally on the journey toward a centralised, high-performant environment that maximises efficiency and resilience.

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