• Group 8

    How we can help

    Supported by a strong strategy and clear vision, we can delegate among project teams to generate results faster. With a view to the finished results, you can evolve and adapt with confidence – with key decisions supported by detailed discovery reports and analysis. So, no matter how the project evolves, you can stay on track and keep stakeholders on board.



  • Establish and provide high-level project plan and schedule
  • Conduct kick-off meeting
  • Project set up in central repository
  • Request available IT asset data


  • High-level project plan
  • High-level project schedule
  • Kick-off presentation
  • Team onboarded
  • Project set up in central repository


  • Review overall current state architecture 
  • Capture, assess, and analyse embedded and dynamic SQL within the upstream and downstream applications for remediation.
  • Review compute, storage, network designs and platforms for source and target.
  • Capture, assess, and analyse the complexity of the database objects for the target databases


  • Migration effort and cost, risks timeline, and proposed implementation plan
  • Final report summarising the captured data and analysis
  • End-to-end migration roadmap 


  • Define required data inputs
  • Perform data mapping and data normalisation 
  • Review and import inventory asset data
  • Provide data gap analysis report
  • Conduct interviews and asset validation sessions


  • Assets normalised and mapped in our tooling
  • Asset dependencies validated


  • Develop T-minus and T-plus draft runbooks
  • Develop migration recipes per move method
  • Identify any required governance & change management procedures
  • Develop migration scripts to support the increase of migration throughput.
  • Analyse target compute and storage requirements based on existing performance data and growth requirements


  • T-minus and T-plus runbooks available for viewing
  • Cookbook, event recipe, and draft event runbook available for viewing
  • Technical runbook(s) with engineer steps and specifications required to execute migrations
  • Target compute and storage sizing requirements to support server and data workloads developed
  • Low-level plan signoff


  • The base framework of a runbook is defined with the end customer.
  • The meta data of an application or workload will determine which migration logic is used to create
    the runbooks.
  • Multiple variations or activities can be dynamically created.


  • Each task has predecessor and a successor tasks.
  • Tasks only become available once the processor tasks are complete.

Task ownership:

  • Each task is assigned to an individual, pre confirmed during the simulation events.
  • Durations for each tasks are forecast.


  • To support the scaling of bulk migrations in a single event window, the migration consultants man a command centre.


  • Prepare for event execution
  • Conduct dry-run event and task validation 
  • Perform any required runbook adjustments and complete pre-migration event preparation
  • Setup for virtual and data migration execution
  • Event oversight
  • Manage the command centre and support execution
  • Conduct post migration event lessons learned session
  • Perform any required runbook adjustments
  • Migration workload execution
  • Execute virtual and data migrations
  • Provide post virtual and data migration support


  • Final event runbook
  • Tools and scripts configured successful test from source to target conducted
  • In scope servers successfully migrated
  • Post migration event results document

Automation reduces time, effort and cost, whilst reducing manual errors, giving your business more time to focus on your primary objectives.

  • Repetitive tasks can be completed faster whilst ensuring high quality results as each task is performed identically, without human error.
  • Platforms we support

    We are agnositic across all platforms, enabling us to work towards the right solutions for our customers.

  • Group 8

    Continue your
    transformation project

    Get the support you need to deliver effective transformation in your own or your customer’s business. Contact us to continue your transformation project with transformation and migration.

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  • Work with us

    If you’re ready to get started or your project is already underway, we’d like to know more.

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