Transformation Workshop

A transformation workshop is an intensive, collaborative session that brings together stakeholders from various parts of the organisation to explore and identify the goals, objectives, and requirements of their business. …

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Multi-Cloud Load Balancing

What is Multi-cloud load balancing? Multi-cloud load balancing is a strategy for distributing traffic across multiple cloud platforms to improve the availability, scalability, and performance of a web application or…

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The Storage Bible

The term Data Storage refers to the various methods and technologies used to capture and retain digital information. Data storage can be either physical or digital, and it can take…

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Data is key

Data is key If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t undersnad it well enough – Albert Einstein  Article written by Joe Brickle Why is data key when it comes…

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Application Modernisation

What is Application modernisation and why should you consider it.  Application modernisation is the process of updating and improving the architecture, design, and functionality of an existing application to make…

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